Channel: Energy & Environment – Iowa Senate Democrats
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Investing in Iowa passenger rail will help Iowa freight rail


On February 11, 2013, Democratic Senator Matt McCoy held a news conference on rail infrastructure at the Iowa Statehouse.

Senator McCoy’s prepared remarks

 The purpose of this news conference is to point out that the Iowa passenger rail project will likely have its bigger economic impact in the form of greater Iowa freight capacity.

Here’s a quote from Dee Freeman, the resident of International Traders of Iowa, a non-profit organization composed of Iowa importers and exporters, including 90 major Iowa manufacturers and shippers.

She said:

“Just bringing passenger rail to Iowa will significantly upgrade Iowa freight capacity and almost every Iowan involved in the national and global economy is in favor of that.”

If you want to have a modern economy, you have to have a modern freight rail system.

As with other parts of our state’s infrastructure, Iowa’s railways need improvements.

If Iowa wants to be a player in the world economy, we must have modern, efficient, safe railroads.

That’s what’s at stake during this legislative session.  By investing roughly 20 million dollars in state funds, this Legislature can give Iowa railroads a 100 million upgrade.

If we are serious about building a 21st century economy in this state, investing in Iowa’s railroads is just what we should do before the Legislature adjourns.

While we’ve been calling this a passenger rail project, it is probably more accurate to call it a FREIGHT RAIL PROJECT.

It is a FREIGHT RAIL PROJECT because the vast majority of trains that will travel on these improved rails, traveling at faster speeds with improved safety, will be FREIGHT TRAINS.

This is a FREIGHT RAIL PROJECT that will make the products of Iowa farmers and Iowa factories more accessible, more competitive, and more valuable in the world economy

Here’s the simple truth about this proposal that has been overlooked.

Almost every dollar of investment needed to handle passenger rail IS ALSO a dollar of investment in improving our freight traffic.

The next couple of speakers are experts when it comes to Iowa freight traffic.  They will help you understand the role rail freight plays in the Iowa economy.  They explain why almost every dollar invested in this project will improve Iowa’s freight rail capacity.


Prepared statement by Jeff Kurtz, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

I’m Jeff Kurtz, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.  With me are a number of other Iowa railroad engineers.

Among us, we have more than 150 years of experience guiding trains through the state of Iowa.

We have hauled loads of ethanol, pork, automobiles, corn, soybeans, tractors, military equipment, oil, wind turbines, and more.

We have hauled a lot of freight for UPS and Fed Ex.

One load we have not carried very often is passengers.

In 38 years, I’ve run just one passenger train.   My fellow engineers behind me have run a total of 7 additional passenger trains.

We are here because this investment will help freight trains. 

It will upgrade tracks for freight traffic.

It will allow freight trains to travel faster.

It will improve freight traffic safety.

It will greatly increase the amount of freight Iowa can handle, and that will help every business in Iowa.

Here are three things the so-called passenger rail project will do for Iowa freight traffic. 

Remember, the overwhelming majority of train traffic in Iowa, and on these improved lines, will continue to be FREIGHT Traffic.

ONE) Crossing signals will be improved at dozens and dozens of sites.

That’s good for everyone’s safety.

TWO) Bridge improvements.

The bridges in Iowa that need to be repaired INCLUDE many railroad bridges.

THREE) Crossovers

You can think of crossovers as “passing lanes” for railroads.  Trains move at different speeds.  More crossovers will allow faster freight trains as well as allow passenger trains go around slower freight trains.

The truth is that near every dollar of this so-called passenger rail project will ALSO improve Iowa freight rail capacity. 

It is undeniable that the strong majority of trains that will be benefit from these railroad enhancements will be FREIGHT trains

These trains will be bringing raw materials and products to Iowa companies and consumers. They will be trains taking Iowa raw materials and products to the rest of the world’s companies and consumers.

The Iowa Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen believes Iowa should invest in this railroad project because it will significantly improve Iowa’s freight capacity.

That will benefit every business and every consumer in the state of Iowa.



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